Confessions of an EVERYDAY ECOTARIAN

creative, conscious and conserving ideas, thoughts and solutions

Summer/Fall 2010 in Pictures: George Winston, Grassfire Festival, Vegetables and Other Random Things November 8, 2010

Filed under: Ramblings — adm @ 2:44 am
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Oh my.  The last serious blog post I wrote was in June.   My apologies.  It seems my life since June has been a continuous and massive effort in multi-tasking.  On top of my home activities I also happen to work for two non-profits.  One is a local cooperative of non-profits dedicated to the education about our area’s fresh water.  The other is a local branch of a national non-profit that trains teachers how to play guitar and integrate this learning into their classrooms, Guitars in the Classroom.  I started the local branch of this music non-profit and have been running it for two years.  All of this still equates a “part-time” job that sometimes seems more than full-time in actuality.  Once in a while I think of how much simpler, (in many ways, but not all)  it was having a steady teaching job pre-recession and before my layoff.  However, my life is now full of constant surprises.  The continuous flux can be tiring at times but overall, although it often seems I’m working more hours for less money and no benefits, I’m having a lot of fun.

This summer, on top of the “usual” things we also decided to have a music and camping festival at our house.  It was a great deal of fun.  The first night, torrential rains forced all inside my husbands woodworking shop for a tight-fitting yet fantastic concert.  The second night we had several bands play.  I didn’t see my children much the entire weekend because they were running with the 20-something other kids around the property the entire time.  Little did I know at the time, that organizing and executing this festival would be great preparation for what was to come.

In late September I received an email from the Guitars in the Classroom headquarters that George Winston, (one of our affiliated artists) was going to be in town and wondered if I’d like to organize a benefit concert for my local program.  Of course, my answer was yes.  I spent a great deal of time organizing this late September through mid-October.  The solo guitar concert, (yes, solo guitar, George did not play piano this time around…next time) was a great success, nearly a sell-out at a venue that seats 525 people.   George was also a great deal of fun to be with for three days.  He’s quite kind, extraordinarily generous, good with kids and a hoot to be with.  I enjoyed every minute of the planning, preparation and execution of the concert as well as playing host to George for the three days he was here.  By the way, the pictures of George below were taken my friend Tracy at Karuna Photo.

So, with that, a running re-cap of the summer and fall is in order…with pictures, (these pictures are somewhat out of chronological order but the general idea is here…)




18 hours of my life July 27, 2008

Filed under: Ramblings — adm @ 1:53 am
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Friday, July 25th, 2008

6:00-7:00pm: Sang backup in a soul band for a little rural town’s celebration of itself. It was fun, felt a little ridiculous but I certainly don’t take myself seriously enough to care about that! I danced and everything.

7:00-8:15pm: Shared a hamburger and some fries with my kids, (mediocre). I looked everywhere for a fresh, organic salad greens stand, couldn’t find one. Drat.

8:15-8:30: Drove to my neighbors house to do chores -they watched our animals while we were away so I’m returning the favor.

8:30-9:45: I pull into the drive and all four horses are out of the pasture wandering the yard. So, now I collect, gather, entice four horses back into the paddock. Jubilee is not cooperating. Alpha mare. Everybody goes in so I go about the rest of my business…

-Find the break in the fence

-Fix the fence

-Milk the goat

-Put the milk into bottles and feed the baby goats

-Give hay to the horses, baby goats and big goats

-Check everyone’s water

-Go inside, filter the rest of the milk into a quart jar for our family

-Clean bottles, milk bucket and funnel

-Go home

10:00-10:30: Clean up dishes, fold some laundry, collect, gather the clutter from another day

10:30: Go to bed

Saturday, July 27th, 2008

4:30am: Go get the crying baby, bring him back to our bed to snuggle

5:00am: Put the wiggling, squirmy baby back in his own bed

6:00: Get up, have breakfast, drive back to the place I sang last night.

7:00: register for a 5K race, (3.1 miles)

8:00: Start running!

8:24: (and 46 seconds) -Cross the finish line!

9:00am: Leave for chores at the neighbors again

10:06am: Finish chores, (milk the goat, feed the kids, grain the goats/horses, hay the goats/horses, check water, test the fence again, let the horses back into the pasture).

10:15pm: Walk in the door late for yoga, (put the goat milk in the fridge of the building we are using for yoga because I didn’t have time to go home and drop it off).

10:15-11:30pm: Do Yoga, (with really tired legs and hay in my shirt). Finish yoga, give the milk to the yoga instructor who is just thrilled about that.

11:30-12:00pm: Drive back home, eat a snack-sized snicker bar, (I’m so hungry and I haven’t shopped since returning from our trip so it is what I could find), rest for a few minutes.

…until I head back over to see if the horses are still in their pasture and find that the fence is down again and they are all over the yard, again. So, I gather them in, again.

I think it’s a conspiracy. I think they’re organized. I think I’m tired and am going to bed.